Hello to the world of Paintball! We here at Hockeytron are bringing to your sport what we do best in the world of Hockey: bringing high quality equipment to our customers at the best prices possible.
Paintball began in the woods of Vermont and New Hampshire, and quickly grew in popularity. A few years ago the sport was on SpikeTV and ESPN, and while the media’s interest in the sport has receded, like hockey, it has become another “punk rock” of sports by maintaining a passionate following. There are still pro tournaments where players compete in Speedball on the beaches of Florida and California, and the webcasts continue to rise in popularity.
Studies show that there are over 2.5 million people who play paintball, with over 1.9 million “frequent” players. Many of these people are paying over $150/year to play. Approximately 67,000 paintball guns are sold in the US per month.
On average, if a player wanted to start playing ice hockey, it would be at $500 investment to get the bare minimums. Now using Tron equipment, a player can start playing ice hockey for less than $300 in equipment costs. Why should it be any different for a Paintball player?
If you play Hockey, you know Hockeytron as one of the best in the business in terms of offering quality customer service, low priced quality goods, and a passion for the sport that starts from the top down. We have over $10 million in paintball product ready to ship and we ship same business day. Our website,www.paintballtron.com is currently live and ready to for you to browse name brand items like Valken, GoG and Planet Eclipse.
With that being said, we’ll see you behind the bunker!
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