With hundred of models from almost as many
companies, finding a piece of equipment for any part of your body can be
a daunting task. Where can you find equipment that has the features
you need to feel safe and protected during a game of this intense sport,
the look that compliments your game, and a price that doesn't make you
cry to your bank accounts?
all just clicks away when you are talking about the TRON line of protective equipment. With our 80-90 line, we proved that we can make
and design gear that rivals top competitor models at fractions of the
cost ( elbow pad $20, Shin pad $30 and shoulder pad $30 ). Whether you
are talking about the shoulder, shin, or elbow pads, you can trust you
are getting unmatched protection at a price point that, simply put,
can't be beat. And with a wide range of sizes in all 3 pieces of
equipment, you can be sure that you will find a set that moves
seamlessly with the rest of your body. Several thousand pieces of 80-90
protective pads are currently in your locker room!
are not ones to settle here at HockeyTron. Our continued mission to
continue to raise the bar has led us to develop not just one, but two
models above the 80-90 protection system that we are certain will be a
great success when we introduce them in the near future. The Evolution
model will offer increased levels of protection without sacrificing the
mobility of the skater. Speaking in terms of the quality construction
of the equipment, the Evolution model will look just as good, if not
better, than any piece of equipment that flirts with a $100 price tag.
Our Elite model will showcase characteristics you would only find on
equipment with a 3-digit price tag: Heavy-duty protection along the ribs
and spine; ergonomic joint breaks to minimize resistance in movement,
and a comfortable liner which makes it very easy and comfortable to
coming soon to the TRON line of equipment is our Ice Pants! Our low
end basic model, at $39.99 offers all the usual amenities of pants such
as suspender snaps, and inserts in the kidney area to prevent injury.
However, we paid very close attention to the movements of players and
the performance they demand from all their equipment to construct a pant
that moves with the body, not hinders it's ability. The Elite model is
much more heavy duty, built and constructed for those who take a
punishment, yet still very breathable and light. It has a good amount
of plastic inserts for protection, and zippered legs that can expand to
allow the pants to come off over skates with ease. We are so confident
in the Elite pant that we are calling it "the most comfortable and
protective pant ever made."
all this talk about shoulder pads and ice pants, what about the other
half of the hockey playing community? Did you know TRON has already
rolled out our own brand of Inline Girdles, Inline Pants, and Padded
Shirts? Our inline protective equipment strikes the perfect balance
between the amount of protection most roller players seek, and the
lightweight design that doesn't weigh them down. And of course, this
all comes with TRON's unrivaled warranty and exchange policies in hand.
It also comes with the inexpensive TRON price tag as well( senior
$29.99 for the girdle, pants and padded shirts respectively ).